How to online 4G body camera to CMSV platform

Config Cam Manager:
  1. Connect 4G body camera to PC
  2. Open Cam Manager.exe
  3. Enter password and Click “Connect Device”(Click “Apply” after every setting)
  4. Change the “Device ID”(Please input 7 digits or capital letters)
  5. Enter your “CMSV Server IP” and Select “CMSV” in “Protocol Settings”
  6. Select “on” in “4G Settings”
  7. Disconnect body camera
  8. Insert 4G SIM card before start up body camera
Config CMSV:
  1. Login to CMSV web server and Click “Information Mgt” on the upper right
  2. Find “Company INFO” on the left and Click “Add” to create a new account
  3. Click “Police Management” and “Fast New” (Please ensure that the “Device NO.” in the add form must be consistent with the “Device ID” in Cam Manager)
  4. Back to “Scheduling” and refresh the page